Julio-Claudian Emperors

La ciudad romana de Los Bañales, una ciudad abierta

Ancient History / Latin Epigraphy / Cultural Heritage Management / Julio-Claudian Emperors / Roman Sculpture / Ancient History of the Iberian Peninsula/Hispania / Roman Spain / Roman Cities / Ancient History of the Iberian Peninsula/Hispania / Roman Spain / Roman Cities

Los Bañales (Uncastillo, Zaragoza): \"ciuitas\" augústea (Anales de Arqueología Cordobesa, 25-26, 2014-2015, pp. 49-70)

Latin Epigraphy / Roman Army / Archaeology of Roman Hispania / Augustus / Julio-Claudian Emperors / Greek and Latin Epigraphy / Roman Sculpture / Roman Imperial Portraits / Tiberius (Emperor) / Roman cities of Baetica (Hispania) / Germanicus / High Roman Empire, Roman Weapons, Archaeology, Classical Archaeology, Roman Daggers, Roman Army, Herrera Pisuerga (Palencia, Spain), Legio IIII Macedonica, Pugio, Tahalí, First Century BC / Greek and Latin Epigraphy / Roman Sculpture / Roman Imperial Portraits / Tiberius (Emperor) / Roman cities of Baetica (Hispania) / Germanicus / High Roman Empire, Roman Weapons, Archaeology, Classical Archaeology, Roman Daggers, Roman Army, Herrera Pisuerga (Palencia, Spain), Legio IIII Macedonica, Pugio, Tahalí, First Century BC

Una aproximación a la comprensión del culto imperial de Calígula

Julio-Claudian Emperors / Caligula / The Early Principate / Roman imperial cult / Roman Imperial Court

Las influencias del modelo augústeo en la propaganda dinástica Julio-Claudia. Los ejemplos hispanos

Archaeology of Roman Hispania / Ancient Roman Numismatics / Augustus / Julio-Claudian Emperors / Roman imperial cult / Roman Archaeology

Un homenaje a Tiberio y un \"subpraefectus cohortis\" al Norte de la Tarraconense (Los Bañales de Uncastillo, Zaragoza) (Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik, 196, 2015, pp. 296-302)

Roman History / Latin Epigraphy / Roman Army / Julio-Claudian Emperors / Roman Spain / Epigraphy / Tiberius (Emperor) / Roman Cities / Latin Inscriptions / Roman legions / Roman Military Inscriptions / Epigraphy / Tiberius (Emperor) / Roman Cities / Latin Inscriptions / Roman legions / Roman Military Inscriptions

La ciudad romana de Los Bañales: \"lapides clamantes\" (El Mirador de La Lonjeta, 48, 2015, pp. 50-54)

Latin Epigraphy / Roman Army / Roman Epigraphy / Julio-Claudian Emperors / Ancient History of the Iberian Peninsula/Hispania / Roman Cities / Roman funerary inscriptions / Roman Inscriptions / Archeology of the Iberian Peninsula / Roman cities in Tarraconensis / Roman Cities / Roman funerary inscriptions / Roman Inscriptions / Archeology of the Iberian Peninsula / Roman cities in Tarraconensis

Un pedestal a Lucio César en la ciudad romana de Los Bañales (Uncastillo, Zaragoza) (Epigraphica, 78, 2016, pp. 510-515)

Classical Archaeology / Latin Epigraphy / Augustus / Julio-Claudian Emperors / Greek and Roman Epigraphy / Augustan Rome / Roman Spain / Roman statues / Corpus Inscriptionum Imperatorum Romanorum in Asia Minore Repertarum (CIIRAM) / Gaius and Lucius Caesar / Augustan Rome / Roman Spain / Roman statues / Corpus Inscriptionum Imperatorum Romanorum in Asia Minore Repertarum (CIIRAM) / Gaius and Lucius Caesar

EL HEREDERO. Homicidios políticos en la Roma de los Césares.

Roman History / Politics / Imperial Rome / Roman Empire / Julio-Claudian Emperors / Historia de Roma

La significación histórica del vello facial en los retratos de Octavio

Iconography / Roman Iconography / Ancient Roman Numismatics / Augustus / Julio-Claudian Emperors / Roman imperial cult

GALBA AND THE FLAVIANS: 430. Los honores dinásticos de los Flavios y el precedente de Galba: la significación política de dos inscripciones de Tarraco, CIL II2 881 y 894.

History / Ancient History / Military History / Cultural Studies / Archaeology / Classical Archaeology / Classics / Roman History / Humanities / Social Sciences / Cultural Heritage / Literature / Heritage Studies / Historiography / Culture / Latin Epigraphy / Classical philology / Military and Politics / Roman Army / Roman Epigraphy / Roman Empire / Archaeology of Roman Hispania / Roman imperial history / Roman Gaul / Gallo-roman archaeology / Religions of the Roman Empire / Julio-Claudian Emperors / Greek and Roman Epigraphy / Ciências Sociais / Hispania / Storia antica ed epigrafia latina / Classics: Ancient History and Archaeology / Roman Spain / Epigraphy / Ciencias Sociales / Roman imperial cult / Classical Literature / Roman Military and Institutional History / Roman Emperors / Epigrafia / Latin philology / Epigrafía romana / Gallia Narbonensis / Humanidades / Galba / Roman Archaeology / Ruscino. Iberian Writing. Iberian Language. Lead Tablets. Knowledge of Writing. / Flavian Dynasty / Classical Archaeology / Classics / Roman History / Humanities / Social Sciences / Cultural Heritage / Literature / Heritage Studies / Historiography / Culture / Latin Epigraphy / Classical philology / Military and Politics / Roman Army / Roman Epigraphy / Roman Empire / Archaeology of Roman Hispania / Roman imperial history / Roman Gaul / Gallo-roman archaeology / Religions of the Roman Empire / Julio-Claudian Emperors / Greek and Roman Epigraphy / Ciências Sociais / Hispania / Storia antica ed epigrafia latina / Classics: Ancient History and Archaeology / Roman Spain / Epigraphy / Ciencias Sociales / Roman imperial cult / Classical Literature / Roman Military and Institutional History / Roman Emperors / Epigrafia / Latin philology / Epigrafía romana / Gallia Narbonensis / Humanidades / Galba / Roman Archaeology / Ruscino. Iberian Writing. Iberian Language. Lead Tablets. Knowledge of Writing. / Flavian Dynasty

CASTORIO Jean-Noël, Mesalina, Buenos Aires : Editorial El Ateneo, 2017, 416 p.

Gender Studies / Greek and Roman Sexualities / Julio-Claudian Women / Julio-Claudian Emperors / Julio-Claudians / Roman Women
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